On a mission to become the leading powerplant provider
for sub-400hp manned and unmanned aircraft.
Core Technology
State-of-the-art gas turbine technology featuring scalable core architecture.
Incorporating innovative fuel-saving recuperator technology.
Design Expertise
Powerplant design expertise to develop:
50 - 400hp turboprop engines
0.2 - 2.2 kN turbofan/turbojet engines
30 - 200kW turbogenerators
Experimental Aircraft Owners
Defense Sector
Flight Training Schools
Certificated Aircraft Owners
Aircraft Suppliers to Law Enforcement & Border Control Agencies
Hybrid-electric Aircraft Manufacturers
General Aviation
Military ISR & Kinetic Vehicles
Military Logisitics
Ab-initio Military & Civil Flight Training
Civil Hybrid eVTOL / VTOL Logistics
Hybrid-electric Aircraft
Powering Your Adventure
Offering significant advantages over piston engines, the TurbAero turboprop engine is the superior powerplant choice for the aviation enthusiast.
Enhanced reliability and safety
Lighter weight and smaller size
Smoother and simpler operation
Non-leaded fuels / SAFs
Fuel efficiency similar to pistons